Sunday, June 14, 2020

"Our educational institutions, originally built upon entirely different foundations, are presently dominated by two tendencies, apparently opposed but equally ruinous in effect and ultimately converging in their end results.  One is to expand education as much as possible; the other is the drive to narrow and weaken it.  The first pushes to extend education and culture to an ever-wider circle; the second expects education to give up its highest claim to autonomy and submit to serve another form of life, the state. Given these disastrous tendencies toward over inflation and weakening, one might well succumb to hopeless despair--were it not possible to help two opposing forces to eventual victory, These opposing tendencies, thoroughly German and full of promise for the future, are the drive to narrow and concentrate education, counteracting its ever-increasing expansion, and the drive to make education strong and self-sufficient, counteracting its diminishment.  What justifies our faith in the possibility of victory is the knowledge that the first two tendencies, to inflation and weakening, run counter to Nature's eternally invariable intention, just as concentrating education in the few is a necessary law of that same Nature -indeed a truth, while the other two tendencies can only create a culture of lies."

- Nietzsche's introduction to "On the Future of Our Educational Institutions" presently in print in English as "Anti-Education" (p.92)

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