Sunday, September 4, 2016

They said let there be more light...
And then they abolished the constellations.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016

As the corporate media taught us, the most alarming prospect of Brexit is that most alarming species of refugee: the refugee banker.

          "And so in all the great decisions we perceive the intellect with its books and its meetings having the word ("Democracy"), and money obtaining the advantages ("Plutocracy") -- and it is never ideas, but always capital that wins."

- Oswald Spengler Decline of the West Vol. II.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

“When the Spaniards were besieging Leyden in 1574, leather money was issued, but as hardship increased the population boiled and ate the new currency.”

   - Marshall Mcluhan in Understanding Media

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

That's the problem with the political paradigm
we've been convinced that it is about economics
So we've focused on that to the ignoring of what is truly important.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Imo Rick Deckard is a tinny western twang way of saying Rene Descartes. 

Rene Descartes wrote "Man or Machine?" in which he posited that humans were simply machines, the same applying to animals.

So imo PKD's joke is that Rick Deckard is Rene Descartes trying to figure out if humans (or in some cases animals) are machines or not. Even further irony is that he uses a machine: the Voigt Kampff test to do so.

Another hint is that both Deckard and his wife have to plug themselves into a machine for their daily emotions. 

Update:  The name Rick is another form of Dick.  So Rick Deckard can be seen as Dick Descartes.

Philip K. Dick who like Descartes searches as to whether humans are machines.

Thursday, June 16, 2016